Unable to resist the allure of another zombie movie, the Disease Management Care Blog saw World War Z. While the gruesome scenes of chomping and stampeding hoards of infected undead were cinematic eye candy, the DMCB was undeterred.
It was naturally thinking about accountable care organizations and how they compare to zombies.
Zombies ACOs
Premise: Undead Unproven
Spread via: Bites Hype
The Hero: Brad Pitt Donald Berwick, MD
Why Worry: The U.N is in charge C.M.S. is in charge
Initial Response: Offshore boats Offhand hope
Best managed
by.......... Fleeing Fleeing
DMCB spouse
perspective........ Gore Bore
Confronted by
hoards of attacking Refer to PCPs, wait
undead you..... Toss grenades years for shared savings
Diet: Bared brains Shared gains
Image from Wikipedia
this could get published in the Nation,...errrr, the National Review.