And speaking of Ezra, what's there not to like? His sharply written posts are a study in the art of communication and new media, he's appeared in that summit of hip popular culture, The Daily Show, he posts vegetarian recipes and regularly sports fashionable amounts of facial hair. And salesman he is. The parliamentarian ruling on the health care bill is good news, the opinion polls on health reform show widespread support for the Democrats, Senator Harry Reid is a civics lesson in political aplomb and geniality, increasing Federal spending to reduce the deficit should be a no-brainer if only opponents would listen to us media elites and, finally, passing health reform on 51 votes is a marvelously grand idea.
That latter point is important and didn't occur to the naive DMCB. If health reform does make it, that may mean that there is a silver lining: a similar bicameral simple majority may be all that will be needed to revamp it. Hmmmm.......
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