Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sven Updates the Disease Management Care Blog

Ok people time to rock and roll. It is the Sven video again and I am back to tell you that I can no longer remain your personal Sven. You never seem to have enough lefse, pickled herring, linie aquavit, lutefisk or Ingmar Bergman DVDs on hand. But the real reason I must depart is because I must help the Disease Management Care Blog update itself. I have installed a list of labels on the right side of the page that helps readers retrieve past DMCB entries by topic, such as 'humor,' 'medical home' or 'industry trends.'

But do not be unhappy. While your blood sugar is high and your blood pressure is down, I have arranged for disease management nurses who will remind you to adjust your insulin, while for you the doctor will be alerted. There are five emails on healthy living for each of you. Now that your SF-36 scores are up, you can handle your own skeduules, cook your own breakfast and fetch your own sweaters. By the way, your daughter’s interest in Kung Fu has less to do with self defense and more with a classmate by the name of Adam. Uff da.

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