Friday, August 1, 2008

In the terse style of KevinMD Blog

More aggregation. No graphics. Read and run. The DMCB tries it out:

Opting out Brit style

Stormy seas for Health Dialog in the North Atlantic.

Registries. Really really big registries.

Speaking of Health Dialog, disease management and chronic care improvement. What does RHIO stand for again? Medicare and its cutting edge technologies can't, um, be far behind.

Let’s rethink that business model.

HT to the Wall Street Journal Blog. Mr. Reality, may I introduce you to Mr. Revolution. Oh, and look there is Mr. PHR, let’s go over and talk to him and his buddies next.

Health insurers never leave money on the table.

Co-pays go to the PROVIDER. Hmmm, have to wonder at the motivation of the Minute Clinics. It's such a good idea, DMCB is waiting for the physicians to also do the same.

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