Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Perfect Academic Health Policy Maker Girlfriend

The Disease Management Care Blog sympathizes with its colleagues in the industry, who are constantly striving to engage hostile academic policy makers and skeptical administrative staffers in a constructive dialogue over the role of disease management in healthcare reform. It is such an uphill battle, isn't it? Being shot down, calls not being returned, being rejected.....

While the effort continues, however, the DMCB found, thanks to a tip from a progeny, the dream date for y'all. Her paraphrased comments are below the video window.......

"I like disease management programs who have a little bit shareholders... a little bit profits. I like programs who like to tell me they have good outcomes and charge a LOT of money. This is good thing. If I know there are no savings, I'm not like, oh poor taxpayers, there's no value. This is so silly. I know sometimes they go to, the ehhh... Congress, but that is okay.... I'm not jealous. They can do whateverrrr they want. I mean, I don't care."

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