Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Latest Cavalcade of Risk Is Up

During its residency training, the Disease Management Care Blog participated in an annual party in which it and its fellow trainees would put on a show with a series of skits mocking the faculty, the administration and the other specialties. Everyone knew, however, that the worst fate for the individuals in our very target-rich environment was to go unmentioned.

Ironman of Political Calculations takes an opposite tack in the latest Cavalcade of Risk and mentions everyone with a fabu assessment system that mimics bond ratings. If you're looking for capital at low interest rates, you don't want digits other than the treasured A, a or 1; if you're looking to avoid the delicious insults that come from being off topic, making readers stoopid or having painful writing, you don't want digits like C, c or 3.

AND as an extra bonus, Ironman offers an on-screen calculator that reconciles your income, projected tax penality and the cost of a health insurance policy to help you decide whether to pay or play Massachusetts style.

The Disease Management Care Blog? It has an Ironman rating of Aa2.

The DMCB is also proud to report that it was also mentioned in a host of resident skits after it became a faculty member.

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