Wednesday, October 20, 2010

News About An Upcoming Webinar

The Disease Management Care Blog has been alerted about a Care Continuum Alliance sponsored webinar on Wed. Oct 26 from 1-2 PM EST that may be of interest to DMCB readers. It's on "The Beacon Community Program."

Here's some of the blurb:

"Many agree that the federal government, although well-intentioned, challenged the prospects for success in its chronic care management pilots and demonstrations with stringent design and methodology requirements. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has learned much from these past projects and created The Beacon Community Program, which goes beyond building infrastructure to actually encouraging innovation to improve and transform health care delivery.

As part of the program, the ONC has allocated $235 million for cooperative agreements with communities. These community cooperatives will build and strengthen their health IT infrastructure and health information exchange capabilities to achieve measurable improvements in health care quality, safety, efficiency and population health. Additionally, the ONC will provide technical assistance to the cooperatives and evaluate the success of the program

This 60-minute Webinar will feature Aaron McKethan, PhD, Beacon Community director, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National Coordinator for HIT; Patrick Gordon, Colorado Beacon Consortium director; and Randall Williams, MD, FACC, CEO, Pharos Innovations. By joining us for this webinar, you will learn:

* The fundamental nature and vision of the Beacon Community Program.
* How the program will influence nationwide delivery system reform and be a guide-path toward developing community infrastructures.
* Tips and ideas for implementing such innovations in your community or organization.
* Implications for the future of health care delivery.

The Care Continuum Alliance is making this valuable Webinar, "The ONC-funded Beacon Program - A Beacon of Light in Transforming Health Care Delivery," available to members for $49 and to non-members for $99. "

You can register here.

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