Monday, May 30, 2011

President Clinton Listens To The Other Side On Health Reform

Blasting away?
According to Kaiser Health News, President Bill Clinton "blasted" the Ryan health reform proposal because it is wrong, will saddle seniors with unaffordable costs and do little to blunt medical inflation.  Questioning KHN's portrayal of a centrist Democrat known for co-opting Republican ideas, the Disease Management Care Blog accessed Peter G. Peter Foundation video library and viewed the next to the last 2:17 Clinton video for itself.

What Mr. Clinton really said is that Mr. Ryan is "wrong" to to believe that taxes shouldn't be touched and that his Medicare proposal is "wrong" "on the merits" because there is no reason to believe it will restrain health care costs.  If costs continue to rise, said Mr. Clinton, people will avoid care and be at risk for premature death.  The President also stated that Medicare is part of a health system with a "toxic" inflation rate that is blunting pay raises and harming America's global competitiveness. He also said he "applauds" Mr. Ryan for the suggestion -  even though "it doesn't work."

Hardly a "blast," scoffs the DMCB.  At least President Clinton, unlike many of his colleagues in his party and the liberal media, is actually listening.

And speaking of listening, the DMCB, thanks to a specially chosen vintage, endured a broadcast of Lady Gaga's "Monster Ball" HBO Concert Event.  While it was mystified by much of the spectacle, the music prompted the DMCB to adapt an old adage about tequila.  Lady Gaga's music, Federal efforts to control health care pricing and tequila all share some key attributes: they're all only suitable when they're really dressed up, or when it's late and there are no other options.

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